Aurum Echo Blog

Economic Doom Loops

Recent mainstream media revelations of a more permanent type of temporary inflation are now being added to the reality of falling global GDP growth, leaving investors scratching their head as they reach for news clippings from the 1970’s for anything similar. The word used to describe this condition is not one unfamiliar to readers of […]

Flash Crashed

Welcome to a new week! Shockingly, global stock markets had a down week last week, led by the US. That’s right folks, no rescue, US equity markets down almost 2% for the week on the back of the 4th straight week of the US Fed threatening to take some of the punchbowl away without actually […]

Chasing Opportunity

The Global Central Bank Economic Frankenstein experiment in bubbles and inflation continues to march on a scale that would have been hard to imagine 10 years ago. The comment of this week that best summarizes current policy maker mindset, goes to the US Pres himself, Joe Biden (via Bill Blain), “if inflation gets out of […]

Policy Malarkey

The “inflation standoff” continues.  On one side, .gov, Central Banks and Central Bank cheerleaders, aka mainstream Financial media, selling, “if it’s happening it won’t be for long”! On the other side, consumers all over the world wondering how high, and for how long prices will continue rising.  As a consequence, a little over a week […]


For Australian investors, the month of May is “budget” month and, again, Australia’s “conservative” administration, delivered enough debt and deficit to keep even the most hardened lefty blushing.  It’s a real sign of the times, get on board or with debt spending or get left behind other “respected” central bank supported administrations around the globe. […]

Inflation, just Biden its time?

Here we are, Post Easter 2021, and still, not once have global financial markets been allowed to properly “clear” since the beginning of the 2007 GFC. It’s just one bail out after another, every year, or in the case of recent months, weekly. Last week’s largest Hedge Fund blow up since LTCM in 1998 barely […]

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

After a continued jack up in rates at the long end of the US Govt Bond Yield curve last week, markets are serious questioning how long the US Fed allow this to continue. Before we look put our 2c worth into an answer, lets assess the state of some key players. The Good, The Bad, […]

Vivid Signs

The show goes on in financial Lala Land! It took less than a week for the “new” US Biden administration to announce an immediate 2 TRILLION dollar, “interim”, economic stimulus program.  The numbers, globally, are just so large now they matter little to most. That is, until they do! The “when” of when it matters […]

Torched Shorts, again!

After 12 years of “fixed”, for a financial system that blew up in 2008, 2020 certainly provided a nice back drop to make it even more “fixed”. Stimulus turned to recovery funding and no amount has been too large. For those closest to said stimulus 2020 has proved to be at minimum a minor hinderance […]

Not So Fast

Post US election and Vaccine announcement euphoria seems to have morphed into range bound tranquillity for financial markets this week, as we all await the source of the next “stimulus”. The “peaceful” nature of financial markets right now is an amazing feat, given what’s actually happening and happened to the world economy this year, so […]


Welcome to a new week, the last of October 2020! Another week of markets treading water whilst awaiting the next “stimulus” fix, knowing that its coming down they pipe, for if it didn’t, well……let’s not worry about letting air out of MOAB. It feels fitting to have a US presidential election in late 2020, same […]

Lacking Exposure

From a macro economic standpoint, it looks like we’re going to start this week like any other over the past, however many years, with all eyes on central bank noise and policies.  The rhetoric will be the same, “whilst we don’t believe there is a bubble in any asset market, we’ll do every “accommodation” we can think of to make sure […]


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