Tag Archives: gold

Inflation, just Biden its time?

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Here we are, Post Easter 2021, and still, not once have global financial markets been allowed to properly “clear” since the beginning of the 2007 GFC. It’s just one bail out after another, every year, or in the case of recent months, weekly. Last week’s largest Hedge Fund blow up since LTCM in 1998 barely […]

Vivid Signs

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The show goes on in financial Lala Land! It took less than a week for the “new” US Biden administration to announce an immediate 2 TRILLION dollar, “interim”, economic stimulus program.  The numbers, globally, are just so large now they matter little to most. That is, until they do! The “when” of when it matters […]


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Welcome to a new week, the last of October 2020! Another week of markets treading water whilst awaiting the next “stimulus” fix, knowing that its coming down they pipe, for if it didn’t, well……let’s not worry about letting air out of MOAB. It feels fitting to have a US presidential election in late 2020, same […]


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If the US market closes Green tonight, the 31st of August, it’ll mark the best August performance for the US stock market (and, by default, global) since 1986!! It matters little that the entire “market” is being dragged along by 5 stocks and a not so passive group of “passive” ETF index hunters (more on this […]


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Speaking of a developing stories, thankfully precious metals took a well-earned breather last week, after a hard run-up in recent times. As we noted two weeks ago, it was Gold producers that led the spot price down.  This sure would have given the old “Bare Foot” type non-believers some relief and, perhaps, belief that it […]


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It’s so hard to know where to start any economic commentary this “Covid”, world. Actually, this note was waiting for the gold price to take breather before it could be completed but now we’ll just have to finish it anyway. As you can see from the chart below, Gold in USD, has been suffering a […]


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As the end of the Australian Financial Year looms ever closer, we wonder how important the final two trading days of FY 2019/20 are going to be. One might have gone into the weekend feeling positive, based on the Friday close for Aussie stock indexes (plus almost 2%), but for Friday night overseas action, minus […]


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If you haven’t noticed in recent weeks, there is some “backlash” or social “force” forming from within many societies around the world, and for good reason. Over time, there have been many a thesis shared as to why all humans have to suffer in one way or another, so we’ll just say this: The new […]


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Around this time each year we look forward to the publication of “In Gold We Trust” from the team at Incrementum AG. It’s always a must read for anyone with an interest in precious metals.  However, this year is particularly pertinent, given increasingly unhinged Central Bank behaviour and now, what appears to be, return rumblings […]


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Where’s the money going? Trillion here, trillion there…….money supply in the US last week surged by USD363BILLION, in one week, out of thin air! We’re not going to go through the where’s it going story again but make no mistake, the global bureaucracy is the major beneficiary of the Covid crisis. We’ll get into the […]


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